Pet of the Month 2012-2013


My name is Skye, but it should be "Lucky". I am "Lucky "because a nice man found me when I was little and took me to the West Suburban Humane Society in Downers Grove. I had a really bad case of mange so a foster family took care of me until I was back to my original health and good looks. As you can tell from my picture, I am a quite a good looking Pit Bull Mix.

Once I was well, I met my new
 family, the Vanderhulsts. My Daddy and Master is Buddy. Linda is my mommy (and Buddy's) and "Mister "is Buddy's dad (Linda's husband). My first visit after my adoption was with my friends at Carol Stream Animal Hospital. Dr. Elise said I was in perfect health and looked like "a keeper". That was probably my most memorable moment because I figured my life was really looking up.

It has been just over two years and we are one happy family. Buddy likes to play rough. He lets me jump over the couch and chase my red ball. I am very proud to say that I can get a lot of “air” when I jump, so my mom calls me "Skyrocket". Mom retired a year ago so we spend a lot of time together...just us girls! We walk the first thing every morning, something that is good for both of us. Mom really understands me, so we get along great. On our walks, Mom lets me stop and sniff every sewer grate on the route, so my family now calls it the “Sewer Tour”. While Buddy works, I am enjoying the good life. "The Mister" is very sweet to me and knows just how rub my head. He gives me treats (Gravy flavored Milk Bones...yum, yum!) and when I fall asleep on the bed, he covers me up. I sure like to sit with these folks, especially when I can put my head on someone’s lap. My family is very warm and comfortable.

I just had my yearly checkup at CSAH and I am very healthy and very happy. Since I am a Pit Bull, I am strong and a little stubborn, but I know that I am part of a good family and they take good care of me and are trying to teach me good manners. So if we meet, you can call me Skye or Skyrocket or perhaps just plain " Lucky". I will probably jump on you and lick your face, but I am still working on being more of a lady.


Hello my name is Cleo, but my very sophisticated friends call my Cleopuptra. I’m a very young (1.5 year old) but extremely small (as you can tell from my picture – top of my class) Border collie. My family adopted me one year ago from Almost Home Foundation in Carol Stream. My favorite treats are chewy chicken treats and hooves – sooooo yummy. My favorite toy is my red squeaky dragon. My favorite sleeping spot is my bed at the foot of the big bed. My best trick is giving high fives and puppy pushups – let’s just say I’m in pretty good shape. My favorite pastime activities are going for walks and fetching my soccer ball! Go Chicago Fire!! My favorite place to be scratched is EVERYWHERE! My most memorable moment is graduating from obedience training (with high honors - I told you I was smart) and getting my Good Canine Citizenship Certification. Some fun facts that everyone should know about me are I love crawling up to snuggle with my family on the couch, giving kisses to my family (fellow furry members included!) and being the center of attention anywhere we go.


Hello, my name is Butters but my friends call me Butterstuff. I’m a 4 yr old Lab Mix and my family adopted me 4 yrs ago from my Dad Bruno! My favorite treats are anything and everything edible! My favorite sleeping spot is sprawled out on my mamma's bed – so comfy. My best trick is that I can bow – I’m pretty talented. My favorite toy is my squeaky Kookie chicken. My favorite pastime activity is when I lived at NIU I liked to swim in the pond and roll around on smelly things. My favorite place to be scratched is my butt. My most memorable moment is when I ran away for a couple of days because some fireworks were so loud and scared me away. I got to hang out in the woods and chase some squirrels. I made friends with Bambi also. Just when I started getting hungry 4 days later, I found my way home back to my family and they were so happy to see me. Some fun facts that everyone should know about me are....I was picked up by my family when I was 6 weeks old, I lived in a frat house the first year and a half of my life, where I met lots of people and made lots of friends. After that I lived in an apartment with my Mamma and her friends. I attended some parties and tried some tasty beers and listened to some good music. I went for a swim in the pond behind my house a few times and made everyone angry. I had a lot of fun while living at NIU, and when my mamma graduated things calmed down. I lived in Dekalb for one more year, and then we moved to Carol Stream where I now live with my buddy Bear. We play a lot and things are great.


Hello my name is Mia but my friends call me "Mimi." I’m an 11 year old female Labrador Retriever. My favorite treats are plain old dog treats, but I get my Chemo pills in liverwurst or smoked fish – YUM! My favorite sleeping spot is on our backyard deck so I can keep my eye on intruding squirrels and bunnies. I also really like the couch if I can sit next to someone. My best trick is when I do a funny backward dance when someone is getting ready to throw the ball for me. I sometimes wish they would just throw it already! My favorite toy is a tennis ball or my "stinky" towel that I grab in my mouth and shake. I like to share my "stinky" towel but my family runs away when I try to give it to them. My favorite pastime activity is swimming in a lake or pond or even a big puddle. My favorite place to be scratched is my ears or my butt. My most memorable moment was when I was diagnosed with cancer in my nose (3 months ago) and had to have a nosectomy! The worst part was wearing the "cone of shame" for 2 weeks. But I finally figured out how to get on the couch with it on. The surgery was successful and I am on chemo pills for a while, just as a precaution (and I get liverwurst and smoked fish–yay!). I feel great and I haven't had any side effects. It's gonna be a GREAT summer! I haven't looked in a mirror lately but my family and friends say I look even cuter now than I did before, if that's possible! Fun facts: During my walks I can dive REALLY fast under a bush to get an old sandwich or cicada. Also, I love it when people come to see me – that is, anyone who comes to the house! They are all here to see me - right? Anyway, I would rather give kisses and play than do anything else. xxoo


Hi, my name is Sunshine! I also go by "Sweet Sunny."
I turned five years old at the end of March. My family chose me from a litter of 8 other siblings when I was 7 weeks old. We have been together ever since.
My favorite treat is cheese! Just a small piece, but it’s what I enjoy most (thanks Dad). No doubt my favorite sleeping spot is the middle of my mom and dad's bed. I feel safe there, and it'...s just so relaxing being able to stretch out with my feet up in the air. One of my best tricks is bringing in the mail. I get really excited when my family goes out to the mailbox. Once I have the mail I like to prance around the front yard before actually bringing it in the house and giving it up. I have lots of toys but my favorite stuffed toy is a puppy we call "Big Baby." We play together, sleep together, and sometimes Big Baby just likes to sit on my pillow. Regardless, Big Baby is always within reach. I love going on walks and car rides with my family. Every morning Mom and I drive the kids to school, it's one of the highlights of my day, I love my kids! Can't wait to pick them up after school. Behind my ears is the best place to be scratched, it feels so good and puts a big smile on my golden face. I enjoy vacationing with my family and swimming in the lake. I'm usually the last one out of the water, its great!


Hello my name is Sara but I go by many aliases such as SaraBear, Iil’honey, or the Goat. I’m a Scottish Terrier who was adopted 3 years ago by a great family. My favorite treats are pretty much anything, that’s why we have a trash can with a lock!! My favorite sleeping spot is on the right side of the king-sized bed – I’m pretty spoiled. My best trick is looking pathetic (that’s why I get anyt...hing I want). My favorite toy is my Blue monkey, a toy who no longer has stuffing. My favorite place to be scratched is my tummy and my crumply ear. My most memorable moment is when the Chairman of Scottie Rescue, Mama Sue, plucked me from the shelter and asked my mom to foster me – the rest is history. Some fun facts that everyone should know about me are that I ate a pie tin, iPod and 3 pairs of swimming goggles in my first 2 years with my mom. I love to go for walks, I didn’t know how until I lived with mom. I was rescued, thanks to the Comcast man from a house with 34 other dogs; spent two weeks at a shelter and had my first haircut one day after my mom chose me for fostering. I had the best mentor ever, Mom’s beloved companion Cai! He made me feel safe and allowed me to come on walks and understand that I would be getting food, just like him, 3 times a day. I am very shy, but a scrapper so my best friend Sami, got me a collar with pink skulls and crossbones on it.


Hello my name is Amber and I am a very sweet 2 year old Beagle. My favorite treats are sweet potato french fries and my favorite toy is my stuffed lizard – it has eight different squeaks and I love to hear them all. My favorite pastime activity is playing tug of war with my best friend and fellow baby beagle, Pepper. My favorite place to be scratched is up and down my back- I stretch and groan ...the whole time. My most memorable moment was when my mom was cleaning the house one day and had stacked the dog beds in the corner to get them out of the way. Well, I wanted to be close to mom but wanted to rest comfortably, so I climbed to the top of the stack of beds and laid down. At quick glance you might have thought of the childhood story of the princess and the pea. But, I am no princess. I felt no pea. I was comfortable and was close to my mom. I am similar to other Beagles in that I am all about getting some lovin’. I want to be the center of attention and affection. I love everyone and believe everyone loves me. When I don’t get what I want, I do pout and mope and may even get a little naughty because, well, Beagles were born to be a little delinquent. I would love to be the Pet of the Month. Please vote for me!


My name is Fritz but you can call me Mr. Fritz. My favorite pastime is waiting for mom and dad to leave and then busting down the big metal garbage can in the kitchen for food....yummy! Now they have rocks at the bottom of the garbage can--no leverage to knock it over anymore :( It was good times while it lasted. Also, I HATE to have clothes put on me....EVER. It drives me crazy. I also like to fi...nd weird places to sit, like ironing boards. It keeps it interesting. I have a doxie sister, Lilly, who is kind of a pain (aren't all sisters?). And, I have a brother doxie, Melvin, who sleeps with me at night. My mom is obsessed with me; I'm definitely her favorite. My favorite sleeping spot is my mom and dad's bed. I pretend I'm not there so they don't bring me downstairs.


Hi my name is Smokey. As you can see, I am a laid-back cat. I may not look like it, but I can chase after chipmunks with the best of them and they happen to be my favorite treat. I am a hero in my house because I saved my family when a dog broke into our house and I jumped on him. Even though I have a tough side I am the most affectionate cat you will ever meet


Hello my name is Harrison, but my mom always calls me “my sweet boy.” My favorite treats are hash browns, potatoes and McDonald’s. My favorite sleeping spot is my top ring bar, with my red light heat lamp keeping me warm. My best trick is hanging upside down and swinging side to side – I’m pretty talented. My favorite toy is my leather chew strip. My favorite pastime activity is singing and humming “Harrison I love you” while dancing, jumping up and down on my pillow – what can I say I really love myself! My favorite place to be scratched is under my wings. My most memorable moments are when I sit on Mom’s shoulder driving in the car and strolling through the neighborhood greeting everyone I meet. Some fun facts that everyone should know is that I’m a bird of the animals and like to play with my fellow cat and dog siblings. I love talking, and I talk a lot! My vocab includes: “Mom, Mommy, I love you, Harrison’s a good boy, my sweet boy, good night Harrison, sweet dreams, good morning, hey guys, hurry up,” and “angel.”


Hello, my name is Benoit de Lucien and I am a black and tan Wirehaired Miniature Dachshund. My name translates to “blessed of the light,” at least that’s what my Mama and Papa thought I would be when they picked me up in Pendegrass, GA last December. I was only 11 weeks old and since then I have grown up a lot, physically at least. I love to EAT; breakfast, lunch, and dinner are my favorite meals. I love to play with my toys, especially anything made by Martha Stewart. I like the cobra in the basket best. I am now in Puppy class II, but I find it difficult to concentrate because I would rather play with my classmates than learn something boring like “sit” or “stay” or “leave it.” I love to be outside no matter what the weather. My dream is to someday become an Earth Dog or a Field Dachshund which is good because my chances of ever passing the Canine Good Conduct Citizen Test are very slim. My Mama & Papa love me with all their hearts, and I think they’re pretty O.K. too.


Hello, my name is Zoey “Hoover” but you can call me Sniffy McSniffy. I have lots of favorite treats, some of them include bones, rocks, bricks, rocks, sticks, flowers, grass, rocks, more sticks, ooohhhh moths, water bottles, plants, cheese, and a side of rocks! My favorite sleeping spot in the house is my dad’s leather recliner – which is the only furniture I’m allowed on. I’m kind of a magician and my best trick is making things disappear - I love to make my vets worry about me. My most memorable moment is when I had unrestricted access to swimming in Green Bay with my family.


Hi my name is Milton, but you can call me Milty. My family adopted me one year ago from Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue. My favorite treats are carrots, apples, and peanut butter – I try to stay healthy. My favorite sleeping spot is anywhere near my family on a blanket, and I love placing my head on someone’s lap – I can always sucker them in to petting me (it works every time). My favorite activi...ty is to get petted, beg for treats, get petted some more, get a nap in, and then wake up to get petted some more – did I mention that I like to be petted? My most memorable moment is when my parents first drove three hours to pick me up and I sprawled across three peoples’ laps all the way home. That’s when they knew that I was a snuggly dog that likes to be laid back, carefree, and just plain loved.


My name is Desna, but you can call me Dessie. My favorite sleeping spot is my sister's princess couch, but on top of an air vent is a close 2nd. One fun fact to know about me is that I love my one year old sister, even when she's crawling all over me!


Hello my name is Spencer but my friends call me Spencerella baby. I’m a 6 year old male sheltie. My favorite treats are beef sticks – and boy are they delicious! My favorite sleeping spot is on the couch – its soooo comfortable. My best trick is the army crawl, and my favorite toy is my beach ball. My favorite pastime activity is going for walks – what can I say, I like being in shape. My favorite place to be scratched is my belly. My most memorable moment is when my family was stringing popcorn for Christmas decorations and I was eating it off the other end. Some fun facts that everyone should know about me are that I like walking on the kitchen table and rolling in hosta plants after taking a bath. I also love ran- sacking the laundry baskets of dirty cloths.

Hello my name is Guinness but my friends call me Guiney. I’m a 10 year old golden retriever - but I’m still a puppy at heart. My favorite treats are sweet potatoes, pig ears, and beef bones - oooooh so tasty. My favorite sleeping spot is in the front window of the house, resting my head on the sill while keeping a watchful eye for any intruders or more importantly, any furry friends. My best trick is to play dead – and that act kills! My favorite toy or stuffed animal is a tennis ball, I’ll never drop or give it back – I LOVE THAT BALL. My favorite pastime activity is swimming to fetch sticks – my vets love that activity and say that’s one of the best exercises that I can do – I like pleasing my vet. My favorite place to be scratched is my chest, belly or bridge of my nose. My most memorable moment is when I was about one year old, I found a muddy area in the backyard, and I was unrecognizable after jumping and sloshing around in it. Through the mess you could still see me smiling from ear to ear. Some fun facts that everyone should know about me are I always look out for family and friends. One time our neighbor’s young son escaped outside of their house alone. I notified my owner by making odd sounds and pacing around our dining room. WOW amazing right?! I was trained to sit at a person’s left side. However, I get so excited when someone comes over I will circle in front and inevitably sit on your left foot – sorry about that.

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