Pet of the Month Submission

Pet of the Month contest

We are excited to introduce Pet of the Month at Carol Stream Animal Hospital!  Please fill out the below information and provide us with cute photos of your pet and a cute bio (we have provided questions to answer at the bottom for guidance).

 This is your chance to participate in a fun and interactive contest in which all of our Facebook visitors get to vote on their favorite pet from three nominees. We are also excited for everyone to meet some of the very special patients that we are so privileged to get to work with every day. 

This is how it works…
One week before the end of the month, we will post a photo album with a picture and brief biography for each of the 3 nominees. Within that week, it’s up to you, our voters, to visit the Carol Stream Animal Hospital Facebook page and “Like” your favorite pet. You get to vote on your favorite animal for whatever reason you think he/she deserves it- cutest, best story, breed, gender, or whether you simply prefer cats, dogs, or sugar gliders. At the end of the month (8am on the first day of the following month), we will tally the “Like” votes and the winner will be featured on our Facebook page with their “full bio” for the whole month! (In case of a tie, the staff at Carol Stream Animal Hospital will vote to break the tie.) The winner also gets a lot of fun prizes from our sponsors (Frontline, Royal Canine, Simperica/Revolution, Bark Avenue Day Camp) and they are also automatically nominated to enter PET OF THE YEAR!! Remember, we want as many votes as possible, so please encourage your friends to stop by our Facebook page and cast their vote as well!

We have the pleasure of seeing so many special family members every day at Carol Stream Animal Hospital, and we look forward to having fun showing off some of the best of what our CSAH community has to offer!

For those of you who do not have Facebook accounts, you are welcome to view the pictures and bios at our front desk and then vote there. Voting will only take place during that week, however, so be sure to stop in if you want your vote to count!


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